In cases of bad weather we will always do everything possible to open school as usual.
Safety is always our priority – safety of everyone travelling to school and safety on the school site, including having appropriate staffing levels, kitchen staff to prepare meals etc.
As very few staff live close to school, if the weather is bad, inevitably some will be unable to get to school safely.
If snow falls during the night please refrain from phoning school – once the first members of staff have arrived there are various checks they need to make in order to assess site safety. If staff are constantly delayed by the telephone these checks take even longer.
As soon as a a decision has been made it will be logged on the Wrexham Council web site under school closures and also reported vis school social media.
If school opens and heavy snow falls during the day parents are most welcome to collect their children early. There is no need to phone, but obviously you must inform the class teacher when collecting them.
If snow continues to fall we may decide to send home those adults and pupils who live a distance away. Please could you ensure that school has up to date work and mobile numbers in case we need to contact parents during the school day.
There will always be enough staff to supervise any children whose parents cannot get to school before 3/3.15pm and unless conditions were really extreme there are enough local staff who run after school club to keep this going, however school run extra curricular activities will not run if it is snowing.