Welcome to our school PTA page.

Every parent who has a child at St Peter’s School is automatically a member of the Parent Teacher Association.   But, it’s up to you how involved you become as your child develops at school.

We are always looking for new faces and new ideas to raise vital funds for school activities.  Last year the PTA paid for an ‘M and M Theatre Group’ visit, Keystrings Music concert and new netbooks, as well as making a contribution to school transport costs for trips/gym and swimming. We really do make a difference!

These funds were raised via activities such as hosting a stall at the Christmas Fair, serving tea and coffee at school events, organising the Summer Fair and running quiz evenings and such like.  We also work with school to host Film Nights, collect Dragon bags of second hand clothes, run books sales etc.

Ways in which you can support our PTA

Dragon Bag Drop Box

Drop off your old unwanted clothes into our Dragon Bag Drop Box at school

The Box Drop is situated in the school car park.

If you have any unwanted clothing, please drop it off at school directly into our Box Drop which is situated in the teacher’s car park.  Daffi the Dragon is the mascot for Dragon Bags and this initiative raises funds and eco-awareness in school as the clothes are recycled.  More about Dragon Bags (including what you can and can’t put into the bags) can be found here.


Easy Fundraising

This is super-easy but has the potential to raise lots of money for little effort!  By signing up to ‘Easy fundraising’, when you shop online, we’ll automatically receive a small donation, at no cost to you.  Find out more here and sign up on the website and register to support the cause called “St Peters CIW Primary School PTA”.

Match Funding

Could you match fund any of our fundraising activities?  If you work for a business that offers ‘match funding’, we can work with you so that St Peter’s receive a donation from your company that ‘matches’ funds we have raised (usually from a specific event or stall).  More details are below, but please get in touch for more information.

Match Funding

100 Club

Delyth Jones continues to run the 100 Club.   This school year we want to really push to get 100 members. The more people who join, the higher the prize money as 50% of each months’ takings is distributed in prizes.

Why not come and join us!

If you have new idea or would like to join us, we’d love to meet you. We run most of our meetings on Zoom so they are easy to get to from the comfort of home!

Please get in touch using our PTA email address,